[aprssig] 2024 DCC Cancelled

Steve Stroh steve.stroh at gmail.com
Fri Jul 19 21:27:56 EDT 2024

 Stana, all, TAPR:

I’m really sorry to hear this. I’m a fan and promoter of the DCCs.

I wrote a brief mention of this development in my newsletter Zero Retries
Breaking - 2024 Digital Communications Conference Canceled -

For those that are interested in a potential new DCC, managed
independently, I’ve created a new email list:


There’s already some work underway to potentially create a new, independent

(Feel free to share this on other, relevant email lists; I’m not a member
of all of the lists that Stana posted to.)


Steve Stroh N8GNJ

On Jul 19, 2024 at 13:19:17, Stan Horzepa <stanzepa at gmail.com> wrote:

> After careful consideration and weighing all available options, we regret
> to inform you that the 2024 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference
> (DCC), scheduled for September 20-21, 2024, has been cancelled. This
> decision was not made lightly, but due to logistical challenges, we believe
> it is in the best interest of all involved.
> We understand the inconvenience this may cause and sincerely apologize for
> any disruption to your plans. We appreciate your understanding and support
> during this time. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
> contact us.

Steve Stroh N8GNJ (he / him / his)
Zero Retries Newsletter - https://www.zeroretries.org
Radios are Computers - With Antennas!
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