[aprssig] DC Power Pole to USB for Pi 4 computers

wa7skg wa7skg at wa7skg.com
Wed Mar 24 23:42:36 EDT 2021

Interesting. Except this is a 5 year old article about a Kickstarter 
campaign that didn't seem go very far. It has a single 10-16V input and 
needs a bit of configuration. It doesn't seem to be available anywhere. 
Many other devices are currently available with more features and less cost.

Michael WA7SKG

Greg Clark wrote on 3/24/21 1:51 PM:
>    This looks like it would do the trick:
> https://www.hackster.io/bobr-rigado/pi-go-amateur-radio-power-for-your-raspberry-pi-536a81
> Greg K7RKT
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 1:06 PM MJ Inabnit <ke6sls at arrl.net 
> <mailto:ke6sls at arrl.net>> wrote:
>     Looks like a whole lot of folks are trying to find a nice tidy Power
>     Pole power adapter to supply power to Raspberry Pi 4's.  I know there
>     are many small companies building neat stuff like mini-APRS rigs.  So is
>     anyone building a Power Pole power supply for the Pi's yet?  Any good
>     tips or links would be very welcome as I plan to move my APRS and packet
>     systems to a new Pi 4 in the near future.  All my gear is using the
>     power poles and the rigrunner/MFJ power pole dc distribution boxes.
>     Thanks all!  73
>     Jaye ke6sls

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