[aprssig] 70cm APRS - And 144.39 +600 for events

Randy Love rlove31 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 14:27:48 EDT 2021

We tried establishing a UHF APRS network on 445.925 here in the Detroit
metro area, but it never got any traction. The 445.925 frequency did get
used for a few events over the years that it was in existence, but there is
no permanent APRS infrastructure on 445.925 any longer in this area due to
the resurgence of 1k2 and 9k6 AX.25 packet for Winlink access.

It worked pretty well with the 3 UHF digi's that we had, but one site
became unavailable due to outrageous insurance requirements of the
property management for that site. The other two needed to be repurposed
for the Winlink infrastructure.


On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 2:07 PM Robert Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:

> Have not seen any permanent use of UHF for APRS.
> Though when I do local events I usualy suggest using 445.925 simplex for
> APRS voice coordination and sometimes suggest using Voice Alert on that
> channel so data and APRS voice coordination only use one radio channel.
> But this takes it off 144.39
> But far better, I recommend setting up a special digi for the event with
> 144.99 input and 144.39 ojutput so that all Event data still shows up on
> the APRS internet system but that the dig input is not blocked by 90% local
> traffic but is wide open for the event users only.  Using +600 on 144.39
> can triple data performance for the mobiles.
> See Hike Across Maryland (aprs.org) <http://www.aprs.org/HAMsupport.html>
> <http://www.aprs.org/HAMsupport.html>Mobile operatoprs for the event then
> simpy use 144.39 +600 during the event.
> I h ave a web page on it somewhere...
> Bob
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 1:44 PM <john at wa1okb.radio> wrote:
>> I was reading your article at APRS.net/vm/DOS/UHFFREQ.HTM
>> has this idea gained any traction?  Is the 445.925 suggested frequency
>> actually being used?
>> I'm considering adding a 70cm digipeater to my existing 2m APRS
>> digipeater, wondering if there was a different frequency I should
>> consider.  Your article was pretty much the only thing I found so far,
>> other than the 437.550 frequency being used by ARISS (Which my software
>> will be automatically switching to when the ISS is passing overhead)
>> 73
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