[aprssig] Voice Alert

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sun Jul 26 12:37:12 EDT 2020

That is the #1 frustration of Voice alert.
1) People enabling it at home so they can hear mobiles coming through but
then they are not in the shack 99% of the time and just frustrating others.
2) People who set voivcee alert and then turn the volume down! (or forget
to turn it back up)

This is ruining the advantage of VA.  You might try sending hem a message
reminding them that they are not answering your VA calls and to check their
Or, if they are not mobile, send them a message asking them to disable VA
when not at the operating position.


On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 11:43 PM Joseph M. Durnal <joseph.durnal at gmail.com>

> I'm curious if anyone else is having the same trouble I am.  I'm really
> thinking about giving it up.  My success rate with contacting stations with
> strong packets on 144.39 with PL100 is pretty low.  I'm not talking about
> never hearing anything (like when I'm in West Virginia), but when you hear
> that strong packet, see the call sign 7 miles away, you call them, and,
> nothing, no response.
> 73 de Joe, NE3R
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