[aprssig] PCsensor's TEMPerHUM as WX = Possible?

Kenneth Finnegan kennethfinnegan2007 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 12:20:55 EDT 2017

There exists a Python client for these TEMPer probes:

I've seen them used for environmental controls from a Raspberry Pi,
but using them as a basic sensor for APRS is viable, and should only
require some additional scripting to re-format the output of these
Python tools to update something like a wxnow.txt file or an Aprx
Kenneth Finnegan

On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 8:22 AM, Miroslav Skoric <skoric at uns.ac.rs> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I recently obtained a USB stick of that temperature & humidity type. But
> after inserting, it does not appear as a new virtual port (such as COM8, or
> ttyUSB3, or like, neither in Windows XP or in Linux). However, in Windows it
> did appear as HID-compliant (Human Interface Device), and it was possible to
> run its manufacturer's logging software that generates .TXT or .CVS files.
> In Linux lsusb saw it as Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0c45:7402 Microdia TEMPerHUM
> Temperature & Humidity Sensor, while dmesg | grep tty did not report it at
> all.
> Having in mind that APRS software usually listens a WX device on a serial
> port or like, I wonder if someone managed to have such kind of stick working
> something useful as a 'poor-men’s WX stn in APRS.
> Regards,
> Misko YT7MPB
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