[aprssig] Event Time Data Extension Proposal
aprssigZbr6 at acarver.net
Fri Jan 27 12:23:48 EST 2017
Trim at least two extra characters and leave it just the first letter of
the day. Thursday would actually become an R (this is actually fairly
common) and Saturday or Sunday would need to change (probably Saturday
could become A).
On 2017-01-27 06:01, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) wrote:
> To reduce the length of daily events, how about:
> NETMoTuWeThFr0900 becoming NETMo-Fr0900 or NETMo..Fr0900
> Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
> On 1/27/2017 12:17 AM, Kenneth Finnegan wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Robert Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu
>> <mailto:bruninga at usna.edu>> wrote:
>> VALUE: a properly formatted repeater FREQUENCY named object shows all of
>> this info in a single packet:
>> [...snip...]
>> * Weekly NET times
>> * Monthly club Meeting dates
>> As far as I can tell, the format for net and meeting times is only mentioned
>> in passing 3/4 of the way down on the freq spec and local info pages without a
>> specific recommendation on format. Running some queries on my database of APRS
>> traffic, it looks like the use of NET and MTG notes is... remarkably low.
>> To give operators more concrete guidance on what to enter, and maybe even be
>> computer-parsable, I'd like to propose and solicit feedback on an "Event Time
>> Data Extension"
>> https://github.com/PhirePhly/aprs_notes/blob/master/EventTimeDataExtension.md
>> Event Time Data Extension Specification
>> This document formalizes the radio net and in-person meeting time spec which
>> is mentioned in the APRS Freq Spec text file
>> (http://www.aprs.org/info/freqspec.txt). This data extension is meant to
>> indicate weekly or monthly nets/meetings which would be of interest to amateur
>> radio operators. It does not include any information on where or what
>> frequency the event happens, so that should be clear from the context of the
>> rest of the packet. (i.e. Meeting events could be included in a "club shack"
>> object beacon, and net events could be in repeater object beacons or
>> accompanied by a freq spec)
>> These data extensions may be used similar to all other APRS data extensions,
>> so may be included anywhere in location packet comment fields, in status
>> packets, in object comment fields, messages, etc.
>> The length of this data extension is not limited to 7 bytes and may be dynamic
>> based on the specificity of the event time.
>> These data extensions are not meant to replace ISO 8601 time/date stamps,
>> which should be used for specific non-recurring events such as annual hamfests.
>> There is no way to express biweekly events in this extension. Other methods
>> should be used to advertise events on that schedule.
>> Extension Format
>> |[Event Identifier](Week of Month)[Day of Week][Time of Day](Time zone
>> abbreviation) |
>> Items in square brackets are required; those in parenthesis are optional.
>> The event identifier indicates what kind of event is being advertised:
>> * |NET| - Radio net
>> * |MTG| - Club or social in-person meeting
>> Week of month is optional to indicate that an event only happens on a certain
>> week of a month. Value may be one or more of:
>> * |1st|
>> * |2nd|
>> * |3rd|
>> * |4th|
>> * |5th|
>> Day of week is required and indicates the days of the week an event happens.
>> Values may be one or more of:
>> * |Mo| (Monday)
>> * |Tu| (Tuesday)
>> * |We| (Wednesday)
>> * |Th| (Thursday)
>> * |Fr| (Friday)
>> * |Sa| (Saturday)
>> * |Su| (Sunday)
>> The week of the month is calculated per day, not including partial weeks where
>> the day of interest falls in the previous month.
>> Time of Day is required and indicates the time of the event in 24h local time.
>> It is a four digit number less than |2400|.
>> The time zone abbreviation is an optional indication of which time zone is
>> used, and should only be used when near the edge of two time zones and it's
>> unclear which conventional local time to use. This field should be very rarely
>> used.
>> Examples
>> |NETTu1745| - A net happens weekly on Tuesday at 5:45PM.
>> |MTG2ndWe1900| - A meeting happens on the second Wednesday of the month at 7PM.
>> |NETMoTuWeThFr0900| - The morning talknet happens every weekday at 9AM.
>> |MTG1st3rdSu1000| - Brunch is had on the first and third Sundays of the month
>> at 10AM
>> --
>> Kenneth Finnegan, W6KWF
>> http://blog.thelifeofkenneth.com/
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