[aprssig] aprssig Digest, Vol 151, Issue 18
Jim Wagner
wagnejam99 at comcast.net
Wed Jan 25 11:27:37 EST 2017
This is exactly how NetRom node stacks were constructed. No computer. Direct connection between TNCs. There was a diode matrix required if more than two were interconnected. Not KISS - I don’t think that will work. It needs to have a serial port that expected to talk to others of its own kind.
James Wagner
Oregon Research Electronics
http://www.orelectronics.net <http://www.orelectronics.net/>
> Message: 8
> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 11:53:52 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Ev Tupis <w2ev at yahoo.com>
> To: TAPR APRS Mailing List <aprssig at tapr.org>
> Subject: Re: [aprssig] 2 Port Digitpeater was: APRS UHF freq? (9600
> baud)
> Message-ID: <946260434.429941.1485345232439 at mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Has anybody actually succeeded in putting two KISS TNC's "back to back" to form an independently operating (no computer between them) two-way "bridge" to pass traffic bi-directionally?
> Lots of suggesting that this could work, but has it been done?
> Ev, W2EV
> PS...I hope to try this myself, but would appreciate learning from others if they have already done so.
> From: John D. Hays <john at hays.org>
> To: Robert Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu>
> Cc: TAPR APRS Mailing List <aprssig at tapr.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 7:43 PM
> Subject: [aprssig] 2 Port Digitpeater was: APRS UHF freq? (9600 baud)
> It is a pretty straightforward project with direwolf and the UDRC-II. 9600/1200 operation is easily supported and cross port digipeating is possible. I've even done experimental 9600 and 1200 baud through the same radio and port.
> https://nw-digital-radio.groups.io/g/udrc/wiki/UDRC%E2%84%A2-and-Direwolf-Packet-Modem
> If you want a quasi-national APRS frequency, go below 440 to the 430-440 band.
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 2:09 PM, Robert Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:
> Re 9600 and UHF, I have slowly begun to start using local UHF repeaters (and meeting newer voices) for just the reason you mention (VHF desense). We have DOZENS of UHF repeaters in our area (Maryland/DC)). Just a note. 9600 baud APRS gains only about a factor of 2, not the expected factor of 8, because of the fixed overhead of TXD and other T/R delays. Combined with the significantly less range of UHF for the same class antennas, there is almost no incentive to operate APRS style bursts on UHF at 9600 baud. That is why it has never taken off. But actually moving TRAFFIC through a fixed long linear 9600 baud conventional packet links is something we should have been doing since 1998 when every APRS radio by Kenwood put dual band 1200/9600 baud TNCs in the hands of almost every operator. But no one uses this powerful 9600 baud we have had for 19 years. I want to build a 9600 baud East coast packet network.See: http://aprs.org/ec9600net.html Bob, WB4APR
> --
> John D. HaysK7VE
> PO Box 1223, Edmonds, WA 98020-1223
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