[aprssig] Heard Directly Stats

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Thu Jan 19 14:38:07 EST 2017

If you use the typical WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 it will become 
DIGI*,WIDE1*,WIDE2-1 and aprs.fi won't count it because it isn't sure if 
a non-inserting digi also copied the packet.  Or something like that...

Try just WIDE1-1 as your path or WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2 so that it is obvious 
that only the single path element was used after the first digipeat.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 1/19/2017 2:22 PM, Matthew Chambers wrote:
> I was looking at my digipeater's stats on aprs.fi <http://aprs.fi> and 
> noticed something that was a little concerning to me.
> I see this on the station info page
> APRS igate – Statistics for 2017-01:
> Last heard a station directly: 	2016-01-29 08:44:00 CST (356d 4h31m ago)
> which can't be right because I have my Kenwood TH-D7A sitting here in 
> the shack about 2 feet away from my digipeter / iGate and I'm nearly 
> 100% certain that I'm hearing myself first and gating that in to 
> APRS-IS before anyone else. Might my digi not be configured correctly. 
> I'm running AGWUIDigi and AGWPE-Pro on a dedicated windows PC and 
> radio. Or is this a bug in the software I'm using?
> Matthew A. Chambers, NR0Q
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