[aprssig] Cleaning up the Global APRS Satellite ground station network?- New Symbol

Steve Dimse steve at dimse.com
Tue Aug 8 16:02:17 EDT 2017

> On Aug 8, 2017, at 8:57 AM, la3qma at aprs.la wrote:
> Why is this so important? Regarding ISS we have only a small window to beacon compared to europe and other places. Also the terrain with high mountains we can reach a satellite but not hear the digipeated package. Reaching a IGATE you can always confirm it later on.
> I could probably filter out LA/LB/LC/LD/LE stations heard direct but then other callsigns is gated.

There is a simpler method. Simply delay any directly heard packets 15 seconds when operating in satgate mode. If a local station successfully digipeats, whether through you or through another satgate, then the digipeated packet will make it to ariss.net before the directly heard packet. Putting this into APRSC would make it useable as a satgate everywhere.

Steve K4HG

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