[aprssig] Cleaning up the Global APRS Satellite ground station network?- New Symbol

la3qma at aprs.la la3qma at aprs.la
Tue Aug 8 11:57:37 EDT 2017

Den 08.08.2017 08:57, skrev Kenneth Finnegan:

> I thought the satellite guys were going to set up their own APRS-IS
> network with different dedup semantics so they could get their vanity
> satellite bounce online even if they were near another sat-gate. What
> ever happened to that project?  Attaching to a specific set of APRS-IS
> servers seems like a much more effective way to filter the network
> than to try and pattern match stations by *any* metric suggested.

Need to modify APRSC and/or APRX for this. And this is also going to 
require gating the data from the SGATEAPRS-IS to regularAPRS-IS.

A simple toggle function in APRSC/APRS to be an SGATE would be great.

I could host a SGATE but need a proper domainname as most sgate, satgate 
domains are occupied.
Also a modified APRX/APRSC.

I have to turn off my gate when local users want to operate the 
satellite. Now they don't bother using the satellites a they get false 
positive on the aprs-is net.
In my area if i turn it off they wont reach another igate. Even if they 
don't get digipeated by the satellite they are gated to aprs-is.

Why is this so important? Regarding ISS we have only a small window to 
beacon compared to europe and other places. Also the terrain with high 
mountains we can reach a satellite but not hear the digipeated package. 
Reaching a IGATE you can always confirm it later on.

I could probably filter out LA/LB/LC/LD/LE stations heard direct but 
then other callsigns is gated.

Kai Gunter

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