[aprssig] Re. Another Clueless Balloonist...

Keith VE7GDH ve7gdh at rac.ca
Sun Mar 16 21:23:03 EDT 2014

Jason KG4WSV wrote…

> The problem is not the path, it's the 10s beacon rate on each balloon, with 2 balloons up at the same time…

I didn't comment on there being two balloons up at the same time. If they were both beaconing at a 10 second-rate for the path of WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1, the air time would be doubled… effectively a 1.5 second beacon rate at times. Hopefully the operator heeds the advice he is getting now, and tames both the path and beacon rate before his hopefully more successful future flights.

73 Keith VE7GDH

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