[aprssig] Re. Another Clueless Balloonist...

Ray Wells vk2tv at exemail.com.au
Sun Mar 16 17:14:31 EDT 2014

Commonsense at last instead of a bucket load of "experts" just mouthing off.

Ray vk2tv

On 17/03/14 06:41, David Dobbins wrote:
> I called and left a message for Jim, KF6RFX, and politely suggested he 
> change his balloon tracker path from WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 to either WIDE2-1 
> or NO path, which is the ultimate best path setting.
> I will add that the tone of the comments here are overboard. If Jim 
> has been flying balloons every weekend, as some suggest, and nobody 
> made contact with him to suggest a better path setting for his 
> balloons, then we've skilled over the smartest way to get compliance.
> There are some who would react negatively to these threads, and would 
> use the opportunity to change the path setting from WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 to 
> WIDE1-1,WIDE3-3,WIDE1-1 just to piss everybody off. What are you going 
> to do with that one.
> Everybody take a breath and let's help Jim get his path setting 
> optimized to where it satisfies his tracking requirements for this 
> neat aspect of APRS.
> We should be offereing assistance, if anything, not what I'm reading here.
> I hope to have my balloon in the air soon, still waiting for the winds 
> to calm down and shift to being out of the southwest. Between that and 
> too much snow on the ground,or overcast and snow, has delayed launch 
> for over a month now.
> Dave K7GPS
> Montana
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