[aprssig] ICOM ID 51A HT

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Wed Mar 27 17:52:11 EDT 2013

Who is the "Bob" that is quoted?  Not me.(WB4APR)

Unless it is something from years ago dug up out of the ether with my
callsing snipped off?...

*From:* aprssig-bounces at tapr.org [mailto:aprssig-bounces at tapr.org] *On
Behalf Of *Pat Cook
*Sent:* Wednesday, March 27, 2013 4:09 PM
*To:* TAPR APRS Mailing List
*Subject:* Re: [aprssig] ICOM ID 51A HT

Bob - To say that DPRS isn't APRS simply isn't (At least entirely) true.
D-STAR, like APRS, is also built on RF.  The only difference is D-STAR is
DIGITAL RF while APRS is ANALOG RF !!  Nevertheless, it's STILL RF (That's
a point that also needs to be reinforced).

Now turning to DPRS - Sounds to me like those who are working behind the
scenes still have yet to find a way to bridge the gap between the two.  As
a result, those who aren't "In the know" (MYSELF INCLUDED) are left giving
thoughts & opinions which may not even be REMOTELY CLOSE to something
resembling knowledgeable about how the two interface & interact with one

And we wonder why most people don't bother with Ham Radio?  LOOK AT US !!!
Most people who aren't the least bit interested in Ham Radio wouldn't even
mess with a mode of communications like this

Getting off the soapbox, I think I'm gonna have to seek input from those
within the D-STAR community as well since they have D-STAR radios.  I say
this because the vast majority of people here (Or at least SOME people here
as I said before) DO NOT even own a D-STAR radio (Some probably don't even
consider to be "Real" radio, even though that's a myth).  As such, they're
offering so-called "Expert" information on a radio using technology THEY
KNOW NOTHING ABOUT !!!  That (As I also said before) isn't very useful

It'll likely be more ACCURATE too

Again, NOT trying to bite the hands feeding me BUT there's nothing useful
about someone posting information on something when they (Likely) know NEXT
TO NOTHING about that something.  Not very productive or useful.  Again
just saying.....

Cheers & 73 :-)

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Pat Cook <kb0oxd at gmail.com> wrote:

Well I got the external TNC so that's no problem.  However if the local
D-STAR repeater has software that allows for APRS-like packets to be sent
via D-PRS, then TXing those packets shouldn't be a problem IF it's
installed properly by the trustee of the repeater, control operator and/or
the technical crew so therefore, I fail to see how "Kerchunking" the
repeater would somehow be frowned upon since it wouldn't be detectable
anyway & would be well within the norm

Let's seperate the wheat from the chaffe a bit here.....

Sounds like *Some* people on here don't know much about D-STAR & how it
operates & probably need to learn (Others OTOH on here DO).  Not knocking
anybody or biting the hands feeding me BUT if you're NOT informed or
educated on D-STAR & how D-STAR radios operate & integrate with APRS,
PLEASE move on.  You're not helping things any.  I'm not educated much on
either BUT am interested in learning before buying my next radio.  Just
saying...... :-)

Cheers & 73 :-)

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Bob Burns W9BU <w9bu_lists at rlburns.net>

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Kent Hufford <khufford at atlanticbb.net>

You will NOT see the 144.39mhz analog APRS station on your DSTAR radio, nor
will an analog APRS FM radio see the DSTAR station.

This is an important point that really needs to be reinforced.

I hear of many hams "getting into APRS" using APRS-IS client applications
on smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. I also hear of D-Star users talk
about seeing their positions on APRS-IS client applications. Both methods
work great...as long as everyone has an Internet connection.

APRS was built on an RF-based network in which everyone in a local area
could decode other APRS users' beacons and, in more advanced applications,
see those positions on a map. No Internet access required. The APRS-IS
server network came along later and provided an additional means of seeing
APRS data that originated on the RF network. Now, we have APRS users who
only use the Internet and never send an APRS beacon on RF. Since most
I-gates don't, and shouldn't, reverse gate this Internet-sourced APRS data
back to RF, the RF users never see what's happening on the Internet side of
the servers.

I'm not knocking D-Star. But, D-Star users have to understand that DPRS is
not APRS.


aprssig mailing list
aprssig at tapr.org

Pat Cook, KB0OXD
Denver, CO

KB0OXD Cybershack - http://www.wix.com/kb0oxd/kb0oxd/
KB0OXD Cybershack Soap Box - http://kb0oxd.blogspot.com/
EchoLink Node No. 19905 (LINK COMING SOON - 147.465 Mhz. Simplex/100.0 Hz
APRS TRACKER ( NEW !!! ) - http://aprs.fi/KB0OXD (Usually on as KB0OXD-5
Via APRSDroid)

Pat Cook, KB0OXD
Denver, CO
KB0OXD Cybershack - http://www.wix.com/kb0oxd/kb0oxd/
KB0OXD Cybershack Soap Box - http://kb0oxd.blogspot.com/
EchoLink Node No. 19905 (LINK COMING SOON - 147.465 Mhz. Simplex/100.0 Hz
APRS TRACKER ( NEW !!! ) - http://aprs.fi/KB0OXD (Usually on as KB0OXD-5
Via APRSDroid)
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