[aprssig] Strange Postition Report

Heikki Hannikainen hessu at hes.iki.fi
Mon Jan 7 04:25:22 EST 2013

On Sun, 6 Jan 2013, Max Harper wrote:

> I was setting up APRX on a Raspberry Pi a few days ago and had let it run for a few days just to make sure it could keep a
> connection to T2WESTTN and that the Raspberry Pi was going to run OK. It does not have a TNC connected yet.
> A normal position report looked like this.
> KG4PID-14>APRX24,TCPIP*,qAC,T2WESTTN:!3417.45N/08742.32W#PHG7250 Bear Creek, Al
> A few minutes ago I noticed this position report.
> G4PID-14>APRX24,TCPIP,W1GG-1*,qAR,W5YD-5:!3417.45N/08742.32W#PHG7250 Bear Creek, Al???
> Notice that the first character of my call is dropped and the path has changed and there is a strange character at the end.

http://aprs.fi/?c=raw&call=G4PID-14 says it's a 0xc0 byte (does not have 
an equivalent printable character):

2013-01-06 06:52:21 UTC: G4PID-14>APRX24,TCPIP,W1GG-1*,qAR,W5YD-5:!3417.45N/08742.32W#PHG7250 Bear Creek, Al<0xc0>

> Did W1GG-1 get my position report from the APRS-IS and send it out RF and was received by W5YD-5? FindU shows it comming in
> three hours after I had powered off the Raspberry PI.

I wonder if W5YD-5, an xastir instance, could have replayed it back to the 
APRS-IS somehow? The path does not make any sense. Or is W1GG-1, an aprx 
igate, bugging somehow and transmitting it to RF, it's comment says it's 
a TX igate? http://aprs.fi/info/W1GG-1

   - Hessu

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