[aprssig] Strange Postition Report

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Mon Jan 7 07:01:13 EST 2013

It is probably not insignificant that 0xc0 is the KISS framing 
character.  If some software out there is suffering an "off by one", the 
first character of the packet may be dropped and the trailing 0xc0 
picked up?

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 1/7/2013 4:25 AM, Heikki Hannikainen wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Jan 2013, Max Harper wrote:
>> I was setting up APRX on a Raspberry Pi a few days ago and had let it 
>> run for a few days just to make sure it could keep a
>> connection to T2WESTTN and that the Raspberry Pi was going to run OK. 
>> It does not have a TNC connected yet.
>> A normal position report looked like this.
>> KG4PID-14>APRX24,TCPIP*,qAC,T2WESTTN:!3417.45N/08742.32W#PHG7250 Bear 
>> Creek, Al
>> A few minutes ago I noticed this position report.
>> G4PID-14>APRX24,TCPIP,W1GG-1*,qAR,W5YD-5:!3417.45N/08742.32W#PHG7250 
>> Bear Creek, Al???
>> Notice that the first character of my call is dropped and the path 
>> has changed and there is a strange character at the end.
> http://aprs.fi/?c=raw&call=G4PID-14 says it's a 0xc0 byte (does not 
> have an equivalent printable character):
> 2013-01-06 06:52:21 UTC: 
> G4PID-14>APRX24,TCPIP,W1GG-1*,qAR,W5YD-5:!3417.45N/08742.32W#PHG7250 
> Bear Creek, Al<0xc0>
>> Did W1GG-1 get my position report from the APRS-IS and send it out RF 
>> and was received by W5YD-5? FindU shows it comming in
>> three hours after I had powered off the Raspberry PI.
> I wonder if W5YD-5, an xastir instance, could have replayed it back to 
> the APRS-IS somehow? The path does not make any sense. Or is W1GG-1, 
> an aprx igate, bugging somehow and transmitting it to RF, it's comment 
> says it's a TX igate? http://aprs.fi/info/W1GG-1
>   - Hessu
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