[aprssig] Best format for a Repeater Item

Bryan Hoyer bhhoyer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 16:35:51 EDT 2013

after reading and digesting, looks like

)N7JN-V1!4833.53N/12307.05Wr 145.250MHz T131 R25m

is the way to go.

Thanks to all for the guidance,
Bryan K7UDR

On Apr 24, 2013, at 1:03 PM, Robert Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:

>> I'm currently sending the same as another repeater in my area.
>> Is there a standard item format for a repeater?
> )145.250!4833.53N/12307.05Wr/A=000840t131.8 N7JN
> There sure is, and that, unfortunately, is not it.  See
> http://aprs.org/localinfo.html
> The format above  does not include PHG so that the repeaters range can be
> automatically plotted, and the TONE is not in the correct location nor
> format so that APRS radios can automatically set it.  Nor does it contain
> a text version of the range, nor the weekly net times, nor the monthly
> club meeting dates.  All of these can fit in the standardized 28 byte
> format.
> Hope that helps.
> Bob, WB4APR
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