[aprssig] Why Not "Gate in Vicinity"

Georg Lukas georg at op-co.de
Thu Dec 22 20:38:23 EST 2011

* Pete Loveall AE5PL Lists <hamlists at ametx.com> [2011-12-22 18:17]:
> Those of you who think it is good practice to give over control of
> your IGate station to an unknown person by enabling "gate to RF any
> station on APRS-IS within x miles" might be interested in how badly
> configured some of those "smartphone" apps can be. VE4HTO-14 is
> transmitting a beacon from his APRSDroid software every 5 seconds (or
> faster) which would wipe out any general APRS RF channel and make it
> unusable if those beacons were gated to RF.

This must really be my fault (i.e. a bug). In APRSdroid, it is not
possible to set any interval less than 1 minute for periodic beacon
transmission, and SmartBeaconing is using 15s intervals for corner
pegging, which was obviously not the case for VE4HTO-14.

I have seen this issue one or two times already, however never had the
possibility to contact the user where it happened. If one of you gets
lucky enough to receive a reply from VE4HTO, please forward him my email
address (or vice versa).

I am really interested in resolving this issue.

73, Georg DO1GL
APRSdroid - Open Source APRS Client for Android ++ http://aprsdroid.org/m
     ++ https://market.android.com/details?id=org.aprsdroid.app ++
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