[aprssig] SSID Standardization

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Thu Jun 10 14:52:16 EDT 2010

david Vanhorn wrote:
> As an embedded systems developer, I don't see why this shoul add any 
> cost at all to a modern radio.

Support costs would be astronomical unless some truly bullet-proof 
hardware/firmware and "don't call us if you break it" language is in 
place.  Just look at how many people can't set up a D710 or VX-8R 
without assistance, I know I keep referring to the books for programming 
my simple HTs.  Imagine the complexity when 10 different users of the 
same radio have 15 different ways to do the same thing.  And they'll 
think they can call the manufacturer when it doesn't work right.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Liking the idea, but not enamored with the practicality

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