[aprssig] ATV on APRS

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Sep 14 09:04:09 EDT 2009

ATV operations on APRS:

> Could this type of informational display 
> be achieved using the APRS-IS? Most amateur 
> stations these days have full time internet 
> connectivity. I realize that the objects will 
> not get to RF but, most stations interested 
> in receiving the information will also have 
> a PC with internet connectivity...

While I am mobile is when I can monitor ham radio, and APRS is
supposed to display for me everything going on in ham radio
around me.  If thre is an ATV net in progress, I wanna know
about it.  This means RF.

> An ATV APRS station could consist of Google 
> Earth for the display and a very simple web 
> page for object injection.

My worst nightmare.  But then, the bandwidth is there, we may as
well use it.  Yes, I'd love to see a simple APRS-IS that would
display the local map and the local ATV systems currently ON
LINE.  The map needs to have a LATENCY setting, so I can select
30 minutes and see only those heard in 30 minutes, and so forth.
Further, NO AUTOMATIC injection.  This way we know that  a
station seen on the map is actually there and operational..

But I'd still perefer to see a TNC or tracker connected to his
ATV TRANSMIT line so that it is automatically generated when he
is actually on the air.

> > From: bruninga at usna.edu
> > To: aprssig at tapr.org
> > Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:00:21 -0400
> > Subject: [aprssig] ATV on APRS
> > 
> > My first love before APRS was ATV...
> > Although APRS has distracted me for 17 years now, tongiht I 
> noticed that our local ATV group is still alive and well with 
> DOZENS of stations ont he air.
> > 
> > Why can't I see them on APRS? That was the idea with the 
> ATV symbol! If an ATV station is transmitting, then he should 
> also be beaconing on APRS so that everyone can SEE the 
> loacation and activity of everyone on the ATV net.
> > 
> > So, maybe it is time to go light a fire over there and get 
> them all to hook up some "trackers" to their PTT line so that 
> when they are on the air, then their ATV symbol also shows up 
> on APRS. A quick press of the "only-ATV symbols" button will 
> instantly reveal an APRS map of the ATV acitivity in progress.
> > 
> > I went looking for cheap "trackers".. The tinytrack3 and 
> opentrack+ look good for this task. ANy others? that are 
> innexpensive I shoudl suggest? Of course any old TNC will do 
> also, since we only need a fixed position beacon:
> > 
> > !DDMM.mmN/DDDMM.mmWV439.250MHz ATV on air, Bob
> > 
> > Via ONE HOP only...
> > 
> > For example would be the format of such a beacon sent once 
> every 5 minutes while the ATV station is transmitting.
> > 
> > Where can we promote this in the ATV circles?
> > Bob, WB4APR
> > 
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