[aprssig] DX-cluster Messaging? (CC-cluster)

kai.brandt at hjemme.no kai.brandt at hjemme.no
Thu Oct 8 04:22:24 EDT 2009

>I got a D710 a few months ago, and was excited to finally be able
>to send messages vehicle-to-vehicle. Until I tried it. Both options
>for text input are absolutely miserable - even when fully stopped.
>And once the message is entered and "sent", it's hugely unreliable.

It's no different than entering a SMS on a phone. But a buffer with your most typed words and the possibility to press a button for auto complete would be nice but i don't think theres any space for a function like that.  

>EMAIL messages get through about 50% of the time, at best, even in
>an area with good igate coverage. I rarely get the ACK back that
>tells me the message was received. Car-to-car is far worse.

This is depending on the setup for the igates but yes a problem.

>I would suggest that concentrating on the infrastructure, rather
>than adding more congestion to the channel, would yield more valuable

I would like more and better system for getting messages trough.

Kai Gunter

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