[aprssig] Re : Re : NWS ON rf

Steve Dimse steve at dimse.com
Sat May 9 15:38:17 EDT 2009

On May 9, 2009, at 3:05 PM, rttyman wrote:

>> You cannot verify ANYTHING that appears on the APRS Internet System.
> LOL. What need of system, where anybody can send obsolete or flood  
> data?
Apparently it is quite useful!
> Leszek:
>> For Sergey, if you want to stop no hams call, put in UI-View in the  
>> exclude liste, the
>> call what you want not hear and the history is finish.
>> 73 de F4ARO Leszek
> This is a problem! Too many 'tactical calls' over world, but filter  
> string
> in APRS-IS specification is only limited to 512 chars (not words), hi!
> Even its a hard man work to manually look at stream of data and add  
> new
> tactical calls to the 'black list' on our side.

I would recommend you filter on location rather than on callsign.
> Im propose to tactical calls operators to use figure 0 (zero) before
> tactical call,

I think you will find it is impossible to convince people to implement  
this. Many systems, for example Citizen Weather, depend on the calls  
as implemented currently.

> Another solution possible in special user filter (to be writed by  
> APRSserver
> developer) to stop (on choise) translation to client of tactical calls
> (calls w/o number in proper position of source field)

While the majority of calls fit a pattern, in recent years licenses  
have been given out, especially for special event stations, that do  
not meet the standard pattern.

Steve K4HG

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