[aprssig] Re : Re : NWS ON rf

rttyman rttyman at ukr.net
Sat May 9 15:05:24 EDT 2009

Hello, Steve, Leszek  et all

>You cannot verify ANYTHING that appears on the APRS Internet System.

LOL. What need of system, where anybody can send obsolete or flood data?

> For Sergey, if you want to stop no hams call, put in UI-View in the exclude liste, the
> call what you want not hear and the history is finish.
> 73 de F4ARO Leszek

This is a problem! Too many 'tactical calls' over world, but filter string
in APRS-IS specification is only limited to 512 chars (not words), hi!
Even its a hard man work to manually look at stream of data and add new
tactical calls to the 'black list' on our side.

Im propose to tactical calls operators to use figure 0 (zero) before
tactical call, so for example: DVNSWO will be 0DVNSWO, as figure 0 is
not listed in hamradio prefix list, and could filtered by
prefixes beginning with 0 (zero)  (i.e. filter -p/0 ) !

Another solution possible in special user filter (to be writed by APRSserver
developer) to stop (on choise) translation to client of tactical calls
(calls w/o number in proper position of source field)

Also its real problem for RF gates - most of sysops shutdown their
system becouse its come from internet too much traffic from tactical calls
(that not need for local RF area network!) and can't be filtered with
current filter options of server software!

I'm hope software developers is read this list and we can found solution

Thanks, 73

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