[aprssig] Looking for an appplication ?

Don Downs d.downs at computer.org
Mon May 4 22:12:00 EDT 2009

> > And perhaps you could get it to work with rich text... (although this
> hasn't
> > been a problem for me so far).
> Parsing multi-part email is more complex than plain text. I intended
> this application to be used with SMS. If you're at a computer, you can
> just look at the station on aprs.fi. If there is a valid use case for
> rich text and this application, I'll consider supporting it. (Is
> anyone familiar with a good email parser library/class for PHP?)

I guess I'm breaking the paradigm my using email on my mobile phone instead
of SMS. For me, email is cheaper -- it will just depend on your data and
text plans.

It's working great for me, so don't lose any sleep over it. :-)

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