[aprssig] Object wierdness

Keith VE7GDH ve7gdh at rac.ca
Sun Aug 16 12:54:48 EDT 2009

Dale KG5LT wrote...

> Just for completeness, here is the final story on this...

I'm glad to hear that everyone got to the bottom of it!

> It was UI-View all along. N5AG knew he had made a mistake some time 
> ago, like months ago, when he was in the Object area of UI-View (I'm 
> not a UI-View user).  He had created the object inadvertently. He was 
> told (wrongly so) on a some "list" that UI-View couldn't KILL the 
> object...

There are four ways that you can kill an object in UI-View that I can 
think of.

1) Select it in the list of objects (and items) and click on the DELETE 
button. If you own the object, you will be asked if you want to "tell 
other stations to delete this object from their maps?". If you select 
"yes" it will tell other stations to delete it too.

2) Right-click on the object on the map and select delete.

3) Right-click on an object and choose EDIT and deselect ACTIVE OBJECT 
and OK your way out from the object editor. You will be asked if you ant 
to "tell other stations to delete this object" as before. Done this way 
(if you select yes) it will kill the object for others (inactive) but 
still be in your object editor if you want to later re-enable it.

4) Just hit F5 to bring up the object editor and make it inactive as in 
the "right click" method in #3 above and make it inactive while telling 
others to delete it. It's the same as step 3 except using F5 to b bring 
up the object editor instead of right-clicking on the object on the map 
to get to it.

The help doesn't specifically mention "killiing" an object, but it does 
describe the several ways of deleting one. In the UI-View help, the info 
about objects is listed under OBJECTS and OBJECT EDITOR.

73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!" 

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