[aprssig] Object wierdness

Dale Seaburg kg5lt at verizon.net
Sun Aug 16 08:33:04 EDT 2009

Just for completeness, here is the final story on this.  It was UI- 
View all along.  N5AG knew he had made a mistake some time ago, like  
months ago, when he was in the Object area of UI-View (I'm not a UI- 
View user).  He had created the object inadvertently.  He was told  
(wrongly so) on a some "list" that UI-View couldn't KILL the object.   
So, the other day he asked me if I could KILL it.  I used Xastir to  
create the object (in uppercase - my mistake), the proceeded to  
DELETE it.  I suppose if I had used lowercase, my attempt would have  
fixed the issue,

Still the object persisted.  Pete AE5PL gave me some raw packet data  
to "shew on" pointing out the Upper/Lower-case issue.  By this time,  
and discussing with N5AG, he discovered how to KILL the object with  
UI-View.  It is now "gone".  And, N5AG has learned how to Create/Kill  
objects in UI-View.

73 - Dale.  KG5LT

From: "Keith VE7GDH" <ve7gdh at rac.ca>
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Object wierdness
To: "TAPR APRS Mailing List" <aprssig at tapr.org>
Message-ID: <A8D16A5E929E41A4977994A4C280D9C2 at d2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Lynn KJ4ERJ wrote...

> The original culprit (at least, THIS month) was a packet on 8/1/2009
> that was probably KD5LVH-1's normal beacon with a single bit dropped
> out of the AX-25 header. That created a station, not an object (no,
> let's not jump on the differentiation again) called KD5LVH.
> 2009H01O.LOG:2009-08-01 14:07:21
> !3149.99N\09846.05Wk/A=001677
> 14.4V  Go, Teach, Make Disciples Matt. 28: 18-20

That was generated by some flavour of an OpenTracker... APOTC1 on Aug 1.

N5AG-5 using UI-View32 was still beaconing an object kd5lvh (lower case)
as recently as 20 minutes ago. (this sat in my drafts folder for about a
day or so)

2009-08-14 14:23:19 UTC:
;kd5lvh _141354z3147.64N/09906.38WR

> You can pull a file from
> http://ldeffenb.dnsalias.net.nyud.net/KD5LVH.txt showing all traffic
> I've observed on APRS-IS for this month mentioning the text "KD5LVH"
> anywhere.  You will see LOTS of the same beacon coming from KD5LVH-1,
> but the bogus one (without the -1) was the first.

Most of what is seen in that log file was generated by KD5LVH-1, using
an OpenTracker...

2009H13N.LOG:2009-08-13 13:10:58
!3526.26N\08838.41Wk/A=000438 14.4V
Go, Teach, Make Disciples Matt. 28:18-20

However, then KG5LT using Xastir takes over on Aug 13 and starts
beaconing an object named KD5LVH for about 6 hours, and sometimes
killing it, according to the log file at

2009H13S.LOG:2009-08-13 18:28:51
;KD5LVH   *132231z3146.47N\09853.52Wk

2009H13X.LOG:2009-08-13 23:55:23
;KD5LVH   _140357z3142.84N/09854.43W/

During that 5 hours, there were at least a couple of beacons from an

2009H13T.LOG:2009-08-13 19:17:29
/132319z3527.53N\08840.40Wk346/016/A=000457 14.2V
Go, Teach, Make Disciples Matt. 28: 18-20

> As I said at the outset, it appears that this was all an innocent
> event based on one single beacon that had a 0 SSID, possibly/probably
> due to some digi or IGate in the area (the packet would seem to
> indicate N5AG-5) running in PASSALL mode...

I'm not so sure of that.

> Either that, or the KD5LVH-1 station itself dropped the bit before the
> calculation of the FCS and actually sent that original packet out over
> the air.

I don't think so.

> Or it could have even been that the TNC/Radio was powered up with
> KD5LVH as the callsign and was taken down for reconfiguring to
> KD5LVH-1...

I thought it was a mix of an OpenTracker, UI-View and Xastir all doing
their thing.

73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!"

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