[aprssig] EchoLink APRS-IS Ojbects Mothballed

William McKeehan mckeehan at mckeehan.homeip.net
Mon Aug 3 10:05:56 EDT 2009

On Mon, August 3, 2009 9:53 am, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) wrote:
> Have you looked at the Item-In-Message format proposed for APRS 1.2?
> You could support a different APRS message trigger (node-obj) that
> formats the data according to:
> http://aprs.org/aprs12/item-in-msg.txt
> Then as APRS clients get upgraded to support it (I'm planning to in my
> APRSISCE for Windows Mobile), your server will be ready to deliver!

I have not looked at the item-in-message format; I agree that it would be a
good thing to add and should not be too difficult.

> Great job!  Do you know if you'll be able to keep the service running or
> do you want to give the source to a site that can keep it hosted once
> you're happy with it?  You'll obviously want the messages addressed to a
> suitable alias rather than your callsign, at least.

I could run it full-time, but I'd rather find it a home that has a hosted
infrastructure that is better than my home internet service. Or people could
run it as an add-in to digi-ned...

I agree with changing the callsign; this was just an effort go expose the
service to a larger audience and see how well it is received/what issues it
may have, etc.

> Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ
> PS.  All of the APRS 1.2 Proposal are at http://aprs.org/aprs12.html
> William McKeehan wrote:
>> As a follow-up to the discussion about the EchoLink objects, I wrote a bit
>> of
>> Perl code to process their xml and query the results.
>> Try sending an APRS message "node" to KI4HDU-12. It will tell you the
>> nearest
>> node to you that it calculates as within range.
>> Currently the process will only send the message once, so if you're on RF
>> and
>> don't get the first copy, it will not re-try...an obvious area for
>> improvement
>> to the process.
>> The code is in Perl and I will give it to anyone that would like it.
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