[aprssig] APRS geocaching ?
Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr)
ldeffenb at homeside.to
Mon Aug 3 07:54:37 EDT 2009
Phillip, (Same answer I just sent to the APRS Yahoo group w/PS added)
I've considered a geocaching query server, bur the issue I keep running
into in my mental planning is getting access to the original cache
data. Geocaching.com has severe restrictions on what you're allowed to
do with their GPX and LOC files. Also, coordinates only down to the
hundredths of minutes (instead of thousandths) (unless you add the |DAO|
APRS extension), you're going to have a much broader search area than
you're used to.
I was thinking of an APRS query service where you ask for the closest N
geocaches and it would send them back as Item in Message format, but
then I've learned that not a single known client implements that
feature, so they'd have to be normal objects. But normal objects don't
gate from -IS back to RF without a local IGate operator knowing in advance.
APRS can provide the starting piece of the puzzle, getting your
coordinates to a query server, but getting the caches, and getting the
coordinates back to you in a digitally usable form with high enough
accuracy are the two issues I haven't overcome yet.
Instead, I'm hoping to add GPX/LOC support directly in my APRSISCE
client for Windows Mobile. You drop your own GPX/LOC onto your phone
and the local client will put them on the screen as clickable objects
for your personal use. You get the GPX/LOC using your own
geocaching.com logon and put it on your own device for use, no license
issues there.
I'll entertain any other ideas if you've got them. I've got the
development capability on this end as well as access to APRS-IS.
Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile
PS. The geocaching.com Waypoint License Agreement is at
http://www.geocaching.com/waypoints/agreement.aspx and states (in part)
"Licensee shall not sell, rent, lease, sublicense, lend, assign,
time-share, or transfer, in whole or in part, or provide access to the
Data, Related Materials, any updates, or Licensee's rights under this
Agreement to any third party whatsoever."
Phillip wrote:
> Has anyone given this any thought, we here in NZ are looking at ways
> to use APRS for other things than track
> this track that beacon this and that see where jo blow went etc .. ..
> How about an addon for Geocaching for Ui-View 32 or AGWPE etc ..
> Lets put some fun back into APRS on a local and country wide ..
> I can't write software other wise I would give it ago it only needs to
> be a simple program etc there is so much info on the net
> about geocaching I would have thought that this combined with APRS
> would be a flier
> 73 Phillip
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