[aprssig] No need for SS1-1

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Tue Mar 11 09:01:47 EDT 2008

> KPC-3+ ver8.2 settings:
> UIdigi   ON WIDE1-1,AZ1-1,WIDE3-3,WIDE3-2  ;must list WIDE1-1

There was a slight change within the last year regarding the use
of the SSn-N for State, or ARRL section nets using the path of
SSn-N (in the example above, AZn-N).  The original New-N
recommendation was to use the path of SS1-1,SSn-N just like we
use WIDE1-1,WIDEn-N in order to force the first hop of the SS1-1
to identify itself and make the path traceable at least as far
as first and last hop are concerned.

This is why in version 8.2 we suggested adding SS1-1 to the
UIDIGI list.

However, we realized that this is redundant.  The simplest way
to get a SSn-N path to identify the first hop is to use
WIDE1-1,SSn-N.  And it allows the sender to also use any fill-in
digis too.  So in general, there is no need for senders to use
SS1-1 and there is no reason for DIGIS (Version 8.2) to have to
put SS1-1 into the UIDIGI list.  Therefore here is where it
stands with respect to the use of SSn-N for state or section
special nets:

SENDERS:  Use the path of WIDE1-1,SSn-N

DIGIS:   Version 8.3  

UIdigi   ON WIDE4-3,WIDE4-2,WIDE3-3,WIDE3-2
UIFlood  SS,30,ID  
UITrace  WIDE,30
UIdigi   ON WIDE1-1,WIDE3-3,WIDE3-2,WIDE4-4  ;must list WIDE1-1
UIFlood  SS,30,ID
UITrace  WIDE,30

Bottom line, no need for SS1-1.

Bob, Wb4APR

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