[aprssig] Need Path Mentoring

Brian B. Riley brianbr at mac.com
Tue Sep 25 18:48:14 EDT 2007

Not to beat a dead horse here, but you may notice that both our  
vehicles the D700s have PM1, PM2, PM4, PM5 are identical, so if we  
switch vehicles for whatever reason, I don't have to stop and think  
to myself "what vehicle am I in, which channel is mine?" ... I know  
that regardless of vehicle PM1 is me 'on the road.' Likewise if my  
wife takes my Ranger truck, PM5 is her 'on the road' ... saves A LOT  
of confusion! In fact I wouldn't mind if Kenwood added 5 more  
configuration memories. I can think of uses for all of them!

cheers ... 73 de brian  riley,  n1bq , underhill center, vermont
   <http://web.mac.com/brianbr/>  Tech Blog
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On Sep 25, 2007, at 4:20 PM, Jan T. Pharo wrote:

> "Brian B. Riley" <brianbr at mac.com>, Tue, 25 Sep 2007 15:24:00 -0400:
>> Something must be set wrong, because I do exactly that for when I
>> travel from NW VT down to Springfield, MA. I pass through a region
>> mid-trip where for 60-80 miles you need to use WIDE instead of WIDEN-
>> N ... and It works just fine on my TMD-700A.
> There's probably something wrong with my method, then (see my response
> to Bob WB4APS's suggestion).
> (btw, wouldn't a WIDE2-2 packet be digipeated by a WIDE digi?)
>> On both my wife's and my
>> rigs  PM1 is me, on the road, PM2 is Me parked, PM4, is my wife
>> parked, and PM5 is my wife on the road. In my truck the PM3 is me on
>> the road with RELAY, WIDE and my wife's car its the same except her
>> call.
> I'll sit down in the car and try the setup, with the manuals on my
> knee(s) :-)
> Like PM1 driving in Wn-N areas, PM2 parked in Wn-N areas, PM3 driving
> in R,Tn-N areas, and PM4 parked in R,Tn-N areas.
> Also, I have status texts with SM/LA2BBA (and some listening info),
> OZ/LA2BBA, DL/LA2BBA, one for the home area referring to the local
> crossband rpt, and one for under way in Norway - but these work.
> -- 
> 73 de Jan, LA2BBA
> Hvaler, Norway
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