[aprssig] Pittsburg Repeaters (AMSAT)

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Thu Oct 25 20:29:33 EDT 2007

> Oddly enough, that's where I am...
> Given a TH-D7A, how would I send out an 
> [APRS object for a voice repeater?]

- Change ur posit to approx location of repeater
- Set position ambiguity to 1 mile
- Change MYCALL to repeater freq "443650"
- Change status to "T131 AMSAT talkin"
- Set STATUS to 1/1
- Set beacon rate to 10 minutes
- Set path to ONE HOP via the digi that SHOULD be putting this
packet out all the time direct... <wink> (the one that covers
the same area as this repeater)

That should do it.  Thanks!
> On 10/25/07, Robert Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:
> > Would someone in Pittsburg make sure that the talk-in
> > for the AMSAT meeting that starts today, are being put out
as a
> > local object in the Pittsburg area?
> >
> > I just checked, and NEITHER one of them appears to be on the
> > air.
> >
> > 443.65 (preferred) or 146.955  both using a PL of 131.
> >
> > We want mobiles everywhere to see the locally recommended
> > repeater object on their front panel D7, D700, or HAMhud
> > displays as they travel.  We have over a hundered AMSAT
> > driving to Pittsburg.  It would be nice (and exactly what
> > is SUPPOSED TO DO) to have them arrive in the area with the
> > locally recommended repeater right there on their radio!
> >
> > See:
> > http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/localinfo.html
> >
> > Bob, WB4APR
> >
> >
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