[aprssig] GO32 Traffic

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sun Nov 25 11:18:22 EST 2007

> What is wrong with a pass all satellite server ?

Because there are lots of packets every 5 seconds from GO32 that
have nothing to do with APRS.  So I wanted to filter them out,
but let the APRS status, beacons and bulletins pass to cut the
load on the APRS-IS.

I th ink GO32 is a great APRS asset.  Anywhere on the planet,
even if you are crashed into a GORGE or ravine.  If you switch
your uplink to 145.93 and switch to 9600 baud and path to VIA
4XTECH, then you will be seen at least twice a day.  

> I think it would be a good thing to see satellite traffic.
> That is a pity about GO32 and APRS-IS. I started to invest 
> some time and
> money into a GO32 station.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------
> Andrew Rich VK4TEC
> vk4tec at people.net.au <mailto:vk4tec at people.net.au>
> http://www.tech-software.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Bruninga [mailto:bruninga at usna.edu]
> Sent: Monday, 26 November 2007 12:12 AM
> To: vk4tec at people.net.au; TAPR APRS Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [aprssig] GO32 Traffic
> > I just copied this from GO32 but not seen
> > in findu.com.  My ui-view RFtoInet log says
> > the same.  Why would the APRS-IS dump it ?
> > 4XTECH-12>BEACON::BLN1 GO32:su APRS!!Use pth via 4XTECH
> I had proposed a SATGATE Server for all SATgates to connect 
> to and it would
> filter out all NON APRS packets from GO-32 and pass the APRS 
> packets.  But
> AE5PL chose the simplistic solution of blocking all GO32 
> packets from all
> javAPRSSrvr's worldwide.
> So anything that goes through a javAPRSSrvr will not allow 
> any GO32 packets
> to reach the APRS-IS.  Although user packets via GO32 will 
> get through OK,
> the inability to monitor the operation of the APRS bulletins, 
> beacons and
> status from GO-32 via the APRS-IS is frustrating.
> Bob, Wb4APR

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