[aprssig] OT: ARRL Bulletin Motorola buys Yaesu ( ! )

Steve Noskowicz noskosteve at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 6 02:40:49 EST 2007

Based on history, this could spell the end of Yaesu Ham equipment.
Looks like some phone calls are in order...

Ex-Motorolan Steve, K9DCI

--- K8YS <K8YS at fuse.net> wrote:

> I had to double check the calendar... I had to verify it was not 01April.
> Bob K8YS
> ARLX007 Motorola buys Yaesu
> Motorola USA has announced its intention to launch a tender offer to
> acquire a controlling interest in Vertex Standard Co, Ltd. Vertex
> Standard is the parent company of Yaesu. Motorola will own 80
> percent of Vertex Standard; Tokogiken, a privately held Japanese
> company, controlled by current president and CEO of Vertex Standard
> Jun Hasegawa, will retain 20 percent, forming a joint venture. The
> total purchase price for 80 percent of the outstanding shares on a
> fully diluted basis will be approximately US $108 million.
> /EX
> --
> Stephen H. Smith    wa8lmf (at) aol.com 
> EchoLink Node:      14400    [Think bottom of the 2M band]
> Home Page:          http://wa8lmf.com  --OR--   http://wa8lmf.net
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