[aprssig] Some Quick Impressions of the Dayton Hamvention 2007 -- APRS -- Kenwood TM-D710

Robbie, wa9inf mwrobertson at comcast.net
Wed May 23 22:22:01 EDT 2007

Bill Vodall WA7NWP wrote:

>> I wish Kenwood saw this product important enough, to talk to a panel of
>> amateurs with APRS interest.
> The Kenwood rep at the Seapac hamfest last year, 3 months before DCC,
> eagerly accepted our complete list of "wishes" for the next generation
> D700.  We later heard the list had  made it to the engineering
> department for consideration.
> <http://wiki.ampr2.net/nwaprs/KenwoodInfo_2fKenwoodRadiosProblems>
> Smartbeaconing wasn't on this list...  :-)
> If they miss fixing KISS and the TNC, they'll have missed an
> incredible opportunity - both for Kenwood sales and for Amateur Radio
> digital operations.   If they miss fixing the non-adjustable TXD issue
> -- they shouldn't be allowed on the air.
> Related to stationary beaconing -- does anybody know if the Kenwood
> will continue to beacon if the valid GPS data quits?  I'm about to
> move the power to my D700 from switched to direct to the battery.
> Having to switch on to run the radio is just too limiting.  I'll
> probably still leave the GPS on the switch so it won't run unless the
> car is going. 

No Bill,

Without the GPS input, indicated by the flashing GPS on the front panel, 
The D-700 does not transmit.

When I park my car while shopping or over night  at a location other 
than at home, I have a PM5 set for 30 minute beacon rate with a path of 
WIDE1-1.. I then switch back to PM1 for normal operations.. For short 
stops, I generally just turn off the radio.. The GPS unit is powered 
24/7 for immediate startup on data...


> 73
> Bill - WA7NWP

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