[aprssig] APRS Digi "Live" CD?

Dave Baxter dave at emv.co.uk
Wed May 23 12:22:35 EDT 2007


I looked at Knoppix and Hamshack Hack etc, on two ocasions.  The second
time was a big improvement on the first, but overall  v e r y  s l o w
to boot, even on a 1.8 GHz machine with stacks of memory, and a 52X CD
rom drive, not the sort of thing you can stick on a rack shelf on a
remote site, but I've not ditched it as there is other stuff on there of
interest, if I can get it to run OK...  I've never got Xastir to run on
that, despite it suposedly being "setup bar the callsigns and maps".


	Dave 'WBX.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Ferrell [mailto:kd4moj at kd4moj.org] 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 11:37 PM
> To: TAPR APRS Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [aprssig] APRS Digi "Live" CD?
> On Tue, 22 May 2007, Dave Baxter wrote:
> > Hi All...
> > 
> > Does anyone have anything like a bootable Digipeater 
> program disk for 
> > PC hardware, to control a dumb TNC?  (Pac-com or whatever, 
> with no backup
> > battery, so fresh setup needed each restart)   Something 
> that can reside
> > on a CD or even a floppy, and not depend on anything like a 
> Hard Disk 
> > based OS to run?...
> Davd Knoppix-AFU has some aprs digi software... I know that 
> it has aprsD and maybe on other. It is turned on by default 
> and is a live Linux CD.
> --
> ...DOUG
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