[aprssig] D700-external PIC processing

william.diaz at comcast.net william.diaz at comcast.net
Mon Feb 12 12:54:57 EST 2007

  See below:
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Wes Johnston, AI4PX" <wes at kd4rdb.com>
> You know we don't have to query the d700 all the time.... AI 1 <cr> will
> cause it to spit loads of serial data out as it's happening.

 The data on the DB9 serial port also seems to include data similar to what could be used to control the D7/D700 display.  Wouldn't be surprised to learn it is the same data sent to the display.  It apparently includes data to indicate when the A or B side squelch opens or closes (CT 0,1 etc)  and may include info to control how many bars of the signal strength should be displayed when the squelch is open.  When you transmit, it sends what I think is the receive frequency, offset and other unknown parameters.  Need to investigate these display commands or operation reports in more detail.

If you wanted to use the LIST n position data from the DB9 serial port to create Waypoints with APRS icons using the Garmin Protocol, you would have to find a way to route this from the DB9 serial port to the D7/D700 GPS serial port.   It may be possible to do this by wiring the output of the PIC or ARM etc device to the GPS serial input.  The GPS would still send Position data to the D7/D700 GPS port, but would receive Waypoint data from the "PIC" port.  

An external application on a desktop or laptop could also create the waypoints/icons using Garmin protocol and use an external device to route the data to the Garmin GPS in a somewhat similar manner.  May need to ensure that only waypoint data is routed to the GPS input.

Bill KC9XG

> Wes
> On 2/12/07, Curt, WE7U <archer at eskimo.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, 11 Feb 2007, Dennis Hudson wrote:
> >
> > > Would be cool to have this parser in programs like xastir as well.
> > > You could simply open your laptop and use it for a display device
> > > when and if wanted. Open and close the program as will without
> > > interfering with the features you are used to on the D700's head.
> > > When you want a full blown xastir station just switch to your TNC
> > > profile on the D700.
> >
> > When the complete protocol is figured out and documented, let me
> > know.  I'll see about adding it.  Another possibility would be to
> > write a shim program that listened to the D700 on a serial port and
> > produced APRS packets on a PTY port that Xastir could connect to.
> > Then Xastir itself wouldn't have to change at all to receive and
> > decode the data.
> >
> > --
> > Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons: http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
> > "Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
> > "Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
> > "The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
> >
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> > aprssig mailing list
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> -- 
> In theory there is no difference between practice and theory.

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