[aprssig] KPC-3+ 383 Problem

KB5ILY - Travis W. Burton kb5ily at arrl.net
Tue Dec 11 15:31:01 EST 2007


Yes, 145.11-AR was created by KB5ILY (UI-View) when it took over temporary 
digi duty when KC5IWC-10 had an over-voltage incident during a 
thunderstorm in late June.  KC5IWC-10 is expected to move off my bench and 
back to the tower by this weekend, and with that KB5ILY will return to 
it's former glory as my home station (with all digi functions turned off).

After some much needed sleep I may have realized the cause of the problem:

Since my past has always been with MFJ's 127x line I know little about the 
programing quirks in a KPC.  So, am I correct in thinking that the lines 

BLT 3 EVERY 01:00:00 START 00:20:00
BLT 4 EVERY 01:00:00 START 00:50:00

is telling the KPC-3+ to wait one day before starting to send via the 
paths listed in LTP 3 & 4 respectfully ?

If that is correct, then as Chuck N0NHJ pointed out, my suspected problem 
would not be a problem, but the system is simply waiting as instructed.

Am I right in that or do I need more sleep ?

Merry CHRISTmas & 73 de Travis KB5ILY

On Tue, 11 Dec 2007, Keith VE7GDH wrote:

> Travis KB5ILY wrote...
>> I seem to be having a problem with the BText repeater info not
>> being transmitted. Below is the info that I set. Did I miss something?
>> BText ;145.11-AR*111111z3413.15N/9305.26WrT088 R25m Meet1StThur at EOC
>> BEACON E 10
> The beacon text and timing looks like it is OK. However... when I look at 
> 145.11-AR, it appears to have been created by UI-View and not by a KPC-3+. 
> With the object sent by UI-View, it will go out using the three hop path in 
> your station setup instead of going direct with no path. The rate is set in 
> SETUP - MISC. Perhaps the repeater object was just created temporarily by 
> UI-View for a test.
> www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?145.11-AR
> KB5ILY>APU25N,HOTSPR*,WIDE3-2,qAo,WA5LUY:;145.11-AR*240907z3413.15N/09305.26WrT088, 
> R20m, Meet1StTh at EOC, Degray ARC.
> Creating the repeater object with the digi is the right way to go. It goes 
> out every 10 minutes with no path. Done in UI-View, you are sending it out 
> with the three hop path that you are currently using... HOTSPR*,WIDE3-2 which 
> I presume started out as WIDE3-3. Repeater objects are meant for local 
> consumption. Sent with a three hop path is just QRM. However, the object 
> created by UI-View appears to have stopped over 11 hours ago. Perhaps you 
> turned it off when the repeater object was added to the KC5IWC-10 digi.
> Do you really need a three hop path from KB5ILY? The recommended path for 
> home stations is WIDE2-2 or less. If you are within earshot of at least one 
> high WIDEn-N digi, a one hop could be more than adequate. However, only you 
> know exactly what is around you and what is required.
> So, going back to the object created by KC5IWC-10... how do you know it's not 
> working? It isn't making it (recently and from KC5IWC-10) to an IGate. 
> Perhaps there just isn't an IGate within direct earshot of KC5IWC-10. Could 
> that be the case? According to the parameters you posted, it should be 
> sending it out direct every 10 minutes. I see that WA5LUY  is an IGate 15 
> miles to your North. Would it be able to hear KC5IWC-10 direct?
> More importantly, listen on 144.390 yourself and see if you can decode the 
> repeater object generated by the KC5IWC-10 every 10 minutes.
> 73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
> --
> "I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!"
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Merry CHRISTmas & 73 de Travis KB5ILY
             Travis W. Burton, NP, ESQ., KB5ILY / Arkadelphia AR
   EC - Clark County AR, SATERN, ARRL Instructor & VE, AREC I, II & III
                      Internet: mailto:kb5ily at arrl.net
                         WWW:  http://www.kb5ily.org
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