[aprssig] WIDE2-2,WIDE3-3

Jan T. Pharo la2bba at jpharo.net
Wed Aug 29 11:24:05 EDT 2007

"Keith VE7GDH" <ve7gdh at rac.ca>, Wed, 29 Aug 2007 07:06:03 -0700:

>here are some other "less than ideal paths" in use near you...
>WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2 from a mobile

Isn't that just the way it's supposed to be in north America?
WIDE1-1 first, in order to get a lift-off from a fill-in-digi
(typically a home station)
Then WIDE2-2, to get just as far away as the fill-in-digi station

73 de Jan, LA2BBA
Hvaler, Norway

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