[aprssig] Radiation Readings

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Thu May 11 18:58:42 EDT 2006

>>> ny3j at comcast.net 05/11/06 6:24 PM >>>
>... he would like to monitor radiation readings and 
>transmit them via packet. 

and tell him to keep me informed of anything he comes
up with.  My start was to take a Ramsey Geiger counter
kit and take the pulse outpput into a resistor capacitor
combo that woucl charge up between 0 and 5 v depending
on the number of counts.  This then would be a "count-rate"
which could easily be transmitted by one of the analog
inputs on a KPC-3+ TNC...

de, wb4apr

 I thought
that it would be an excellent application for APRS.  Not only could you
track a vehicle but you could also post radiation readings with the posit.
It would be a good capability for ARES/RACES emergency communications to be
able to do.  I know there is a way to transmit telemetry via APRS.  Is there
a way to transmit other data such as radiation readings.

73, Ron ny3j at comcast.net 

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