[aprssig] Tracker Smart Pathing

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Tue Mar 21 11:59:11 EST 2006

>>> jason at ke4nyv.com 03/21/06 10:50 AM >>>
>SmartBeaconing Bob, SmartBeaconing, I cannot 
>stress this enough!  Not just because it was a 
>HamHUD original, but because so many other 
>devices have adopted it.

Yes, smart beconing is very good, and this Proportional-
Pathing does not detract from that.  It is just is another
tool which also has merit.   FOr example, the GOAL of
smart beaconinng is to cut the number of packets
depending on what you are doing.  By definition, that
means less updates.  Meaning, even when you are close to
it, you still are seeing it less often.

Proportional Pathing cuts the load on the network, not
by less updates, but by less packets farther away, while
maintaining a good rate locally so that when you are
close and need more frequent updates you get them.

I think Proportinal Pathing can be combined with Smart
Beaconing.  That is, let the smart beaconing system
still send one  minute updates, but when the smart
algorithm decides it is time to transmit, then add a hop
to the path.

The savings on the network is the same, but you still
get more frequent updates closer to the tracker which
is where you need them most.

de WB4APR, Bob

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