[aprssig] TEMPn-N for Field Day

Cap Pennell cap at cruzio.com
Tue Jun 27 16:32:10 EDT 2006

The time to start helping the ARRL with (scoring) rules changes for next
year's FD would be _now_ rather than later.

Even though often it's all just plain old 1200baud AFSK 2 meter FM packet
radio, the whole business of scoring APRS as only a demo mode, keyboard
"packet" needing a temporary FD Node setup, and winlink2000 (email during
disasters via ham radio) messaging could certainly still benefit from some
realistic updating and clarification of scoring rules for future ARRL Field
Days in this new century.

I can practice operating all of the above "from the field" with useful
modern emergency service in mind.
73, Cap KE6AFE

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