[aprssig] Re: aprsd Mic-E Problem..was passcode

BH brent.hildebrand at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 17:09:46 EDT 2006

This is a current problem with and APRSD setup in Portugal.  The APRSD station CS1SEL converts 0x7F (d127) characters to a space character, 0x20 (d32).  Findu has several examples of the data from CS1SEL being converted wrong.  It appears that CS1SEL is running APRSD v225.

See these Mic-E stations in the area of CS1SEL:

I suspect that problem here is the geographic location consistently produces a 0x7F character.

Another interesting phenomena is the dropping of starting characters.  Look at the data on FindU for these "callsigns".
 "9DUR-8",  "D9EKA", "C9I-3", "9UWE", "A9IN-2", "I9H-6", "9LJA-6", "9LYA-3".  

The raw packets are here:
C9I-3>APW275,W9UUU-10*,WIDE,qAR,WD9EKA:=3945.70N/08713.61WoPHG7138/Parke County EOC -INPARROCKVILL-275-<630>
9UWE>APN82,WIDE2,qAR,WD9EKA:!4010.66NS08728.91W#PHG5560/W3,ILn Serving Eastern IL, Western IN
B9YVI-10>APRS,N9UMJ-10*,WIDE3-1,qAR,WD9EKA:!3910.59NN08633.93W#PHG6460/R-Wn-T-IN Monroe Co, IN

And more.  In each case, the first letter of the callsign is dropped, and each is gated by the same station.  Most packets from this IGate do not have the first letter dropped.  Is this unique to APRSD, I don't know.  But there are a number of other examples where APRSD drops the first 1 or 2 letters occationally.

AE5PL Lists wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ron
>> Posted At: Thursday, June 22, 2006 6:48 AM
>> Subject: [aprssig] Re: aprsd Mic-E Problem..was passcode
>> I've heard rumors of problems with Mic-E 'mangling'
>> but have not seen any difinitive explanation.
> There are two known issues with aprsD and Mic-E packets.  First, the
> default initialization file for KPC TNCs turns FILTER ON (not shouting,
> just how TNC commands are usually denoted).  This causes the unprintable
> characters of _some_ Mic-E packets to be lost.  Filtering on any TNC
> including the KPCs _must_ be turned off (true for _any_ APRS client or
> IGate running the TNC in converse mode).
> Second, there appears to be an issue in some versions (not sure if it is
> with all versions or just certain versions) with the DEL character
> (0x7f).  This character only appears at +-9 and +-99 degrees longitude.
> We saw this a lot with German servers.  This one seemed to be an aprsD
> issue since they were using KISS mode TNCs with the Linux AX.25 kernel
> module.
> 73,
> Pete Loveall AE5PL
> mailto:pete at ae5pl.net 
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