[aprssig] Radio Shack (NOT)

Roger Grady k9opo-1 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jan 22 01:02:08 EST 2006

At 12:24 AM 1/22/2006, Bill Bird wrote:

>My local Radio Shack is pretty good on parts - could probably even order a 
>tube for my Allied Star Roamer.  But I'm trying to purchase a Mitsubishi 
>RF Power Transistor 2SC5125 for my Yaesu FT-1500M 2m mobile unit.  This 
>should get the rig up and beyond the 300mw level it puts out now on 
>144.39MHz.  Yaesu wants $73 for it.  I thought it would be an easy matter 
>to find it for less.  Even with the www.findchips.com site mentioned by 
>Scott Miller I've found no suppliers. Google didn't help either.  This 
>transistor is also used in current ICOM HF/VHF/UHF rigs so I'll check with 

Best source I know is RF Parts <http://www.rfparts.com/>
They list it but no price, just "call".

Roger Grady  K9OPO

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