[aprssig] Re: Radio Shack (NOT)

Arte Booten n2zrc at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 21 11:10:54 EST 2006

Hi all,

Robert B. wrote:

>Don't expect to find any parts at a Radio Shack any more.

     The funniest thing to me is that none of the RatShack employees  I've run
across have any idea where the company got its name from!                   73
|  Mr. Arthur "Arte" Booten   Riverdale, NY  <n2zrc!rEm0vEn0sPaM!@arrl.net>  |
|   Cruise Missile Coordinates: 4052.71 N / 07354.06 W            [FN30bv]   |
|   PGP Key Fingerprint: C890 6698 3881 771E 2F9C 34FE 9F59 7A3A A269 02E5   |

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