[aprssig] Re: APRS for Skywarn ?

Arte Booten n2zrc at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 7 04:35:26 EST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

William McK. wrote:

>They are interested in getting the NWS shape files to "light up" ... but I
>can't find instructions for how to do this with UI-View.  Can you provide
>a pointer to how to set this up for UI-View?

     First, you need to be running a version of Precision Mapping version 5 or
better with the appropriate Pmap server  installed  (to buy that program,  see
http://www.undertowsoftware.com/PMSAT/PMSAT.htm ).   You also need to download
UI-NWS, but I can't seem to find this file either.  It's too big for me to put
into the UI-View files section of groups.yahoo.com,  but I'd be glad to attach
it to William if he likes.

     Once you have it,  these instructions describe how and where to get those


Downloading The Shapefiles
To be able to use UI-NWS, you need the NWS shapefiles for counties, zones and
marine zones. UI-NWS is useless without these files. They are the shapefile
sets prefixed "c_", "z_" and "mz". Each set contains three files - .DBF, .SHP
and .SHX.

If you have already downloaded these shapefiles for use with other software,
then you can use your existing files. Otherwise, you need to download them
from the NWS site. The starting page is

The files seem to be frequently updated, so the direct URLs for the latest
versions change, but if you start at the above page, you can find the files by
following these links. NOTE - Read the following carefully!  The wording of the
link names is correct, but an awful lot of users seem to assume that I have
made a mistake, and so download the wrong files.

NWSI Libraries: Zone Forecast Areas, and then Public Forecast Zones
(CONUS/OCONUS), Download Compressed shapefile.

Marine zones
NWSI Libraries: Coastal And Offshore Marine Zones, and then Coastal Marine
Zones including the Great Lakes, Download Compressed shapefile.

County Libraries: AWIPS Counties, and then US Counties (CONUS/OCONUS),
Download Compressed shapefile.
NOTE - To get to this link, you have to scroll down the page! It is NOT
the 'County Warning Areas' link near the top of the page!

When you have got the files, they need to be unzipped into a folder that
will be created the first time UI-View32 V1.5 or later is run. The folder
is \NWS\Shapefiles in the UI-View32 program folder. Make sure you put them
in the correct folder, or UI-View32 will not find them! You can tell if
you are putting them in the correct folder, because it will contain a file
called "Put the NWS shapefiles in here.TXT".


     Does anyone know where the file uiwx130f.zip can be downloaded?        73
|  Mr. Arthur "Arte" Booten   Riverdale, NY  <n2zrc!rEm0vEn0sPaM!@arrl.net>  |
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