[aprssig] Re: APRS for Skywarn ?

Ron Cluster rcluster at rgisp.com
Sat Jan 7 15:12:25 EST 2006

See below,

> You also
> need to download
> UI-NWS, but I can't seem to find this file either.  It's too big
> for me to put
> into the UI-View files section of groups.yahoo.com,  but I'd be
> glad to attach
> it to William if he likes.

UI-NWS comes with UI-View. Can be found under the File menu in UI-View.

uinws.exe is 396KB on my PC, very small program so I'm not sure what you are
offering to send.

73.....Ron.....AC7TK.....(-9 Mobile, -2 Wx, -1 Work)
UI-View32 iGate in Eugene, OR

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