[aprssig] SAR Aircraft 144.99 => 144.39 digis...

Jason Rausch jason at ke4nyv.com
Wed Feb 8 18:21:47 EST 2006

--- Robert Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:

> Probably be a good idea if you use a commercial 
> rig for APRS, to include the 144.99 transmit
> channel since it is the receommended APRS alternate
> input frequency...  Just an idea.  Bob

Agreed.  I was just simply stating that asking people
to use alternate frequencies may require people a
little more than just spinning the VFO knob.

BTW>  Look forward to seeing you at Frostfest again
this year on the 19th.

Jason KE4NYV
RPC Electronics

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