[aprssig] Filter port

AE5PL Lists HamLists at ametx.com
Mon Aug 28 16:14:40 EDT 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robbie, wa9inf
> Posted At: Monday, August 28, 2006 2:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [aprssig] Filter port
> I am trying to understand why the t (type) as you say should 
> not work when I was using it before and it did the job that I 
> needed, :-)

The previous version of javAPRSFilter did not hold exactly to the
specification found at

> I quote from the filter.txt file on your web page..
> Syntax:        t/type
>                 t/type/call/dist
> call = call of a station or object
> So, using t/n/ILX*/MKX*, I was following the guideline 
> t(type)/n(NWS)/call(ILX*)/call(MKX*)

You read more there than is in the spec.  It says t/type/call/dist  That
means exactly that.  Not t/type/call/call or call with wildcards.

> That should work as well as p(prefix)/ILX*/MKX since n was a 
> type as well as the calls equaling a type.

The p filter does not use wildcards (it is, by definition, using an
implied wildcard).  As to callsigns matching ILX or MKX for a prefix, I
think you will be hard pressed to fine non-NWS packets from stations
using those prefixes.

> I will survive, but it has me confused and I will cease from 
> pestering the sig... :-)


Pete Loveall AE5PL
mailto:pete at ae5pl.net 

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