[aprssig] Re: aprssig Digest, Vol 22, Issue 6

Jan T. Pharo la2bba at jpharo.net
Thu Apr 6 14:13:28 EDT 2006

Andy McMullin <Andy at rickham.net>, Thu, 6 Apr 2006 18:32:53 +0100:

>With respect to UI-View registration -- mine took less than 30  
>minutes between mailing and getting it sorted. But that was when  
>Roger was alive (and at about the same time I first tried to join  
>this list with all its hassle factor).

As one of today's registrars, I can say that the registration process
can take anything from 10 minutes after the request had been posted
(from the reg web site) until processed by the registrar, and up to some
days; one cannot expect that registrars do nothing else than wait for
incoming requests on a friday afternoon - we/they might visit friends,
travel somewhere far away from any computer, whatever. So from less than
an hour up to four days would be normal for that voluntary service.

73 de Jan, LA2BBA
Hvaler, Norway

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