[aprssig] PCsat Sate-Gates

Stephen H. Smith wa8lmf2 at aol.com
Thu May 5 19:48:54 EDT 2005

bruninga at usna.edu wrote:

> See the ops plan for PCSAT2:
>de Wb4APR, Bob

"Three volunteers OE1DMB, ZL3RX and N6IZW tested 4 radios including a 
D700 last week and they have verified that even with widest 
in-satellite-band separation on 2 meters (145.800 and 145.990) and 100 
foot antenna separation, that desense (blocking) occurs at any power 
level above about 30 mw. Its slightly better up to 100 to 500 mW or so 
at the 144 MHz uplink frequency. But 5W and 10W will always block any 
other 2m receiver on ISS... For UHF and the same 100' separation, 
operation at the 2 Watt level is possible with in-band splits over 1 MHz 
or so. See their Data: *OE1DMB* 
<http://www.ew.usna.edu/%7Ebruninga/pec/pec/oe1mb-test.pdf>, *ZL3RX* 
<http://www.ew.usna.edu/%7Ebruninga/pec/pec/zl3rx-test.xls>, *N6IZW* 
<http://www.ew.usna.edu/%7Ebruninga/pec/pec/n6izw-test.xls>.  "

1)  All three links are broken '

2)  An Excel spreadsheet should be converted to an HTML table for web 
presentation.  XLS is a useless file format for any non-Windows Internet 

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