[aprssig] GAAAAKKK!!! I bet Bob didn't intend THIS!

Larry Cerney lcerney at viawest.net
Sat Jan 22 19:55:15 EST 2005

Considering the source, West Texas, I'm surprised they know how to spell
APRS.  Just kidding my fellow APRS Texans from a Colorado guy. ;-) They know
what I mean.  A little interstate rivalry.

Go Buffs!


"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." 
--Albert Einstein 
-----Original Message-----
From: aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org [mailto:aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org]
On Behalf Of Robert Bruninga
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 2:23 PM
To: needhame1 at plateautel.net
Cc: aprssig at lists.tapr.org
Subject: Re: [aprssig] GAAAAKKK!!! I bet Bob didn't intend THIS!

>>> Earl Needham <needhame1 at plateautel.net> 01/22/05 11:01 AM >>>
>...since Lubbock announced the end of WIDEn-N 
>and the start of TXLNKn-N.  I notice WTLNKn-N ...
>coming from over there, too.

ARGH!!!  Please tell me it isnt so. 
How in the world can they missinterpret the New n-N paradigm
so badly!!!  If it is  a ##LNKn-N it *must* be a linear system.!

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